
    Neomow X


Hookii Story

In 2022, a team of experts with a background of more than 10 years in the service robotics industry founded the Hookii with the dream of bringing cutting-edge robotics into everyday life. Has landed hundreds of projects over the past decade, the team strongly believe that robotics should not be limited to the professional field, but should be popularised in every home to make people's lives more convenient.



Bringing service robots within reach, every family can enjoy the convenience and comfort of technology



Become the world's leading artificial intelligence company

Why Hookii ?

Extensive industry experience

The team has more than 10 years of experience in robotics

Strong R&D Capabilities

70% of team focused on R&D and company invests 70% of resources in R&D annually

Leader in 3rd generation yard robotics

Outstanding product features backed by the advanced technology and high R&D investment

Hookii Updates

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