How to Get Rid of Moles and Gophers?
Are you tired of seeing unsightly mounds of dirt on your lawn and garden? Have you had enough of watching your beautiful landscaping being ruined by burrowing creatures? If so, you are likely dealing with a mole or gopher infestation.
Moles and gophers are small mammals that can cause significant damage to lawns and gardens. They are notorious for their ability to dig tunnels underground, creating a network of burrows that can undermine the roots of plants, damage irrigation systems, and create tripping hazards. In addition to the physical damage they cause, moles and gophers also attract other pests, such as snakes and rodents, which can further damage your property.

Identifying the Problem
Identifying the problem is the first step in getting rid of moles and gophers from your lawn or garden. Understanding the signs of their presence and differentiating between mole and gopher damage will help you determine the most effective method of control.

Natural Methods to Get Rid of Moles and Gophers

- Using Plants as Deterrents: Some plants are known to repel moles and gophers due to their strong scent or taste. For instance, plants like daffodils, garlic, and castor beans produce strong odors that can deter moles and gophers. You can plant these plants around the perimeter of your lawn or garden to create a natural barrier. Additionally, marigolds are known to repel certain insects and pests that can attract moles and gophers.
- Creating Habitat Modifications: Making changes to the environment around your lawn or garden can discourage moles and gophers from settling in. For example, removing debris, like piles of leaves or grass, can reduce the cover available for moles and gophers. You can also use mesh or wire mesh to line the bottom of garden beds to prevent moles and gophers from digging in.
- Building Barriers and Fences: Physical barriers are one of the most effective natural methods to prevent moles and gophers from entering your lawn or garden. You can use materials like chicken wire or hardware cloth to create a barrier around the perimeter of your lawn or garden. Be sure to bury the barrier at least 1-2 feet deep to prevent moles and gophers from digging underneath it.
- Using Predator Urine: Moles and gophers are prey animals, and the scent of predator urine can trigger a fear response that keeps them away. You can purchase predator urine, like coyote or fox urine, from most gardening stores. You can then apply the urine around the perimeter of your lawn or garden, making sure to reapply it every few weeks.
- Flooding the Tunnels: Moles and gophers cannot survive in wet soil, so flooding their tunnels can be an effective way to drive them out of your lawn or garden. To flood the tunnels, you will need to locate the main tunnel and dig a small hole into it. Then, use a garden hose to flood the tunnel with water until it is completely full. Repeat this process every few days to ensure that the moles and gophers have left the area.
- Vibrating Rodents Repellers: Vibrating rodent repellers work by creating a vibration in the soil that moles and gophers find unpleasant. The vibrations imitate the movements of predators, which can discourage moles and gophers from settling in. You can purchase vibrating rodent repellers from most gardening stores, and they are easy to install. Simply push the repeller into the ground near the mole or gopher activity, and turn it on.
- Creating Noise: Moles and gophers are sensitive to sound, and loud noises can disrupt their tunneling behavior. You can create noise by placing wind chimes, playing music, or even using a portable radio near the areas where you suspect mole or gopher activity. Be sure to rotate the noise sources to prevent the moles and gophers from getting used to the sound.
- Using Castor Oil: Castor oil is an effective natural repellent for moles and gophers. The oil contains a chemical compound that is toxic to pests, making it an effective repellent. You can mix castor oil with water and apply it to your lawn or garden using a sprayer. Be sure to reapply the mixture every few weeks to maintain its effectiveness.
Chemical Methods to Get Rid of Moles and Gophers
- Poison Baits: Poison baits are a common chemical method for controlling mole and gopher populations. These baits contain chemicals that are toxic to moles and gophers and are often designed to mimic their natural food sources. However, poison baits can also be harmful to other animals and should be used with caution. It is important to follow the instructions carefully when using poison baits and to place them in secure locations where they cannot be accessed by pets or other wildlife.
- Fumigation: Fumigation involves the use of gas to kill moles and gophers. This method can be effective, but it can also be dangerous if not performed correctly. Fumigation should only be carried out by professionals who have the necessary training and equipment to do so safely. The gas used in fumigation can also harm other animals and plants in the area, so it is important to take precautions to minimize these risks.
- Repellents: Repellents can be used to deter moles and gophers from your lawn or garden. These products are usually applied to the soil and emit an odor or taste that moles and gophers find unpleasant. Some repellents use natural ingredients like garlic or castor oil, while others use synthetic chemicals. It is important to choose a repellent that is safe for use in your specific environment and to follow the instructions carefully.
- Carbon Monoxide: Carbon monoxide can be used to kill moles and gophers by flooding their tunnels with the gas. This method is often used by professionals, but it can also be performed by homeowners using a carbon monoxide machine. However, carbon monoxide can be dangerous if not used correctly, and it can also harm other animals and plants in the area. It is important to take precautions to minimize these risks and to follow the instructions carefully.
- Traps: Traps can be an effective method for removing moles and gophers from your lawn or garden. There are several types of traps available, including lethal traps and non-lethal traps. Lethal traps use a spring-loaded mechanism to kill the pest, while non-lethal traps capture the pest alive and can then be released elsewhere. It is important to choose a trap that is appropriate for the type of pest you are dealing with and to follow the instructions carefully.
- Traps: Traps can be an effective method for removing moles and gophers from your lawn or garden. There are several types of traps available, including lethal traps and non-lethal traps. Lethal traps use a spring-loaded mechanism to kill the pest, while non-lethal traps capture the pest alive and can then be released elsewhere. It is important to choose a trap that is appropriate for the type of pest you are dealing with and to follow the instructions carefully.
- Ultrasonic Repellers: Ultrasonic repellers emit high-frequency sound waves that are supposed to be intolerable to moles and gophers. These devices are usually powered by solar panels and can be installed in the ground near the areas of mole and gopher activity. However, the effectiveness of ultrasonic repellers is still up for debate, and they may not work in all situations.
- Mole and Gopher Smoke Bombs: Smoke bombs are a chemical method that can be used to kill moles and gophers in their tunnels. These devices emit a thick smoke that is designed to suffocate the pest. Smoke bombs can be effective, but they can also be dangerous if not used correctly. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and to take precautions to minimize the risks.
In conclusion, getting rid of moles and gophers can be a challenging task, but there are several effective methods available. Before deciding on a method, it is important to identify the problem and understand the behavior of the pests.
Natural methods such as planting repellent plants, using castor oil, and creating physical barriers can be effective for preventing moles and gophers from entering your property. Chemical methods such as using poison baits or smoke bombs can be effective but may have negative effects on the environment and should be used with caution.
Overall, the key to getting rid of moles and gophers is to be proactive and take preventative measures. By identifying the problem early and using effective methods, you can keep your lawn and garden free of these pests and maintain a healthy and beautiful outdoor space.